
Inventorying and Prioritizing Your Marketing for Residential Contractors

Letha Wicker
May 18, 2023
5 min read

You’re doing marketing right now. Business cards, ads in local newspapers, your website - these are all marketing tools, but how are they working out for you? The absolute first step is to make a list of every marketing vehicle you’re using currently, and to evaluate each one carefully. 

Be honest with yourself. Look at each piece and ask:

  • Do your marketing assets resonate with your audience?
  • Do they pull in new customers? (Especially important with your website and ads.)
  • Are they aesthetically pleasing and look professional and fresh?

There is substantially more information available later in the resources on building your website and selecting the right mix of marketing initiatives.

Triage Your Contractor Marketing to Identify Quick Wins and Urgent Updates

Just as nurses evaluate patients to prioritize care, the first step is to look at the marketing activities you do now, and, more importantly, decide the marketing activities you want to focus on going forward. 

Begin by listing out the marketing resources you’re currently using. Even if it’s nice business cards, your website, and a print ad in your local newspaper - it doesn’t matter how “fancy” you are. Right now we’re establishing a baseline.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Can I pinpoint which customers I’ve won and where they came from?
    This helps establish the success of each of your marketing assets. If the answer is no, that’s all right. We’ll help you start from the beginning.
  • How old are my assets?
    Do they reflect your business’s current direction? Are you happy with them from a design and usability standpoint? Or do they need an overhaul?
  • Do I know where my next lead is coming from?
    If you’re relying only on word of mouth and quality of work to get your business “out there,” you’re missing out on many opportunities to amp up your marketing efforts.

Identify Your Customers and Define Your Audience



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